Electrical Engineer
Responsible for refining the Nb3Sn solenoid design, power storage and distribution - this role is half of the key to H. Industries propulsion system. The Electrical Engineer must work in tandem with the Aerospace engineer to rigorously test the founders concepts and designs and truly verify it through finite element modelling in MATLAB.

Aerospace Engineer
Responsible for balancing the needs of the electrical engineer with practical satellite design and orbital mechanics, this role is the other half of the propulsion key. This role covers a range of topics between orbital maitenace, electromagnetic inertial mass tethering and construction of a physical drone model.

Responsible for multivector propulsion analysis, orbital pathing and targeting capability determination, this role is heavily focused on numerical modelling and the practical application of orbital mechanics. While it is a nonstandard astrophysics role, we are looking for an individual with expansive thinking that can see the ways this system can be established in any orbital context. An understanding of ferric asteroid metallurgy is highly regarded.

Mechanical Engineer
Responsible for blending the various skillsets into a manufacturable schematic, this senior engineer role will be the lynchpin of the team. This role will solidify processes and ensure rigour in design and delivery, experience in manufacturing is highly regarded.